Industrial Property Office based in Strasbourg, center of excellence of industrial property in Europe, Bleger-Rhein provides you with advice within the field of intellectual property and related rights (technological survey, domain names, unfair competition, assignments…).
Established in 1995 by two experienced partners, aware of deontology, we remain a human-sized office where our clients, as well as our partners, are listened to and esteemed.
Our mission
- Advising you
- Representing you
- Assisting you in obtaining, maintaining, developing, watching and defending your industrial property rights.
Our skills
- Availability searches
- Trademark watches
- Technological watch
- Checking if an invention is freely exploitable or not
- Evaluation of an invention’s patentability
- Patent, trademark and design filings
- Follow-up of the issuance and registration procedure
- Negotiating and writing of transfer agreements, licences, transfers of technology
- Defensive strategies at a trial
- Unfair competition actions.
Video introduction
One method
Each client has one adviser who follows him, mainly having depending on his legal or technical key competences (mechanics, electronics, informatics, biotechnology…).
One implementation
In the heart of Europe, with a regional network close to our client’s concerns.
One politic
Efficacy, Reliability, Competence .
One objective
To assist you in your development, everywhere in the world to assure the perpetuity of your markets.
Patents protect new and non obvious technical inventions for a maximum protection of twenty years.
Patents are strategic economic weapons which invest the owner with a right to forbid to any non-authorised third party to product, import and commercialise the patented product or process.
A trademark is a distinctive sign (usually a word and/or logo and/or slogan) constitutive of an indication guide which summarises the esteem attached to a product or service.
Registered trademarks can be indefinitely renewed by ten years periods.
A registered trademark provides its owner with the right to forbid any reproduction or imitation for identical or similar products.
Domain Names constitute by themselves a new label.
The attribution of websites occurs according to a simple and effective principle first arrived, first served.
We are authorized agents for :
- INPI [Institut National de la Propriété Industrielle]
- OEB [Office Européen des Brevets]
- EUIPO [Office de l’Union Européenne pour la Propriété Intellectuelle]
- OMPI [Organisation Mondiale pour la Propriété Intellectuelle]
But also….
We are also members of two international associations, the international specialists in trademark law :
- INTA [International Trademark Association]
- ECTA [European Communities Trade Mark Association]
And we also participate in different working committees of the CNCPI [Compagnie National des Conseils en Propriété Industrielle].